Frequently asked questions

If you have additional questions that you need to clarify, you will probably find the answers here. The more you focus on your life's aspirations and ambitions, the better you will understand my language and the following virtual discussions. 

Q. What eligibility is necessary for doing the Vector method workshop?

A. High school education is enough in this regard and so college/university dropouts are also eligible. But note that something more is necessary—your desire, dream, effort, time devotion, etc. Nothing is free under the sun!

Q. Apart from your workshop fees, any other costs are involved?

A. No, there are no hidden costs. My professional fees as indicated, cover everything for the workshop.

Q. The Grand master is a very lofty goal. How may I expect to see any progress for an intellectual broke like me?

A. I myself was an intellectual broke when I came in this world. I crawled on all four, then I became a toddler, then a walker, then a learner, then a doer, then an achiever and finally a winged Angel. Mentally follow this pattern and become aware Nature does not expect the child to become a master overnight but She helps the baby grow up in STEPS. As you see, You and I are no different; we all are made in the same divine factory with same evolution code that God written in us that you read as, "God made man in His image." My Vector method is made of natural truths derived from virgin Nature and so your STEPPED journey will be like this:

  • Grade 1 = exercise
  • Grade 2 = experience
  • Grade 3 = expertise
  • Grade 4 = master
  • Grade 5 = Grand master

You are not under the obligation to become a Grand master; go ahead as far as you like. Even then it will be a great change in your life. Note that the choice of climbing the higher grades always remain open to you.

Q. Your work is scientific in nature. Will it help me in other faculty areas?

A. Natural truths are colorless, whence they are suitable for any faculty area. This is so, because God built one earth to support people of all religions, all faculties, all tastes, all styles and so on. That means natural truths are universal truths too and they are eternal truths as well. This is how God pulls His scattered children to same one goal—success and happiness. All told, no matter who you are and where you are, you will be benefited in definite ways.

Q. Shall I have to update my knowledge of Vector method time to time to stay level with ever-changing work environment?

A. No, my Vector method is an one-time learning process that will stay in force all through your life, as it is a universal governing rule for everything under the sun. In short, my Vector method is immune to environmental changes but it presides over all changes. So far this was impossible that drives all experts to frustration. For the first time such a governing principle comes to modern man. This governing principle is nothing but natural truths that drive the entire Creation without losing a beat. The old-world people knew this natural secret, whence they could mass produce Grand masters and classic works that appeal to us even today.

Q. What benefits shall I have out of your Vector method?

A. The home page clearly shows the benefits. I, however, briefly state the benefits here in a summary form. You will create dazzling skill in the first place with the unique tool event boundary. This event boundary is your magic power to address ALL your skill-related parameters like answering questions, solving problems, making decisions, analyzing errors, planning projects, mass communication, leadership, and whatever you may think of.